Thursday, July 24, 2008

Red Alert

First of all, I simply must inform you that my camera is craptacular. (Don’t use this word in your essays, folks!) So please bear with the blur and ugly photos. Hopefully, by writing this blog, I will be able to improve my photo-taking skills to justify me buying a fancy new camera.

Last night was the final INTI Christian Fellowship (CF) ceremony where we shed our dear little tears and say goodbye to everybody. The red-shirt-wearing army (the CF shirt) gathered at around 6:30pm to celebrate a great semester that goes by. Seriously, everything was red, from the shirts to the ever so cutely done red carpet. I wonder if people realize the irony of wearing red in a Christian Fellowship…

Honestly though, these CF guys are simply awesome and they really know how to liven up a party. I’ve said it once and I’ll continue to say it for many times to come: CF guys are among the best and friendliest people around! Four CF members will be leaving us to further their studies, but only three members could attend the closing ceremony. Good luck to you guys overseas!

It was a great night of fun, games and fellowship and I have to say that I’m going to miss CF until it is reinstated again next semester. Anyway, as the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words:

Sea of Red!

The wise Kelvin speaks...ooh...

The cute little red strip is the red carpet.

Eldrick, Jared and Xiu Mei, given VIP treatment.

We'll miss you!

Getting ready for games.

Jared...this is your life!

Touching moment. Washing of feet to show appreciation.


Behold my back! Taken by Xiu Mei.

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